“Cormac brings out the best from our multi-talented team of artists, designers, and professionals with hundreds of years of collective experience.”
Cormac Woods
It’s no surprise that Cormac is pictured here with his team. Irish-born, Australia-educated, he is the ultimate leader for our global enterprise. Cormac learned the business from the warehouse up and fell in love with its mission of creating magic at the holidays. Day to day, year-round, he brings out the best from our multi-talented team of artists, designers, and professionals whose hundreds of years of collective experience give them the skills, imagination, and drive to create winter wonderlands for clients far and wide. Cormac draws his inspiration from family, friends, and his first mentor. Sparking innovation, creating spectacles, and continuing the company’s 60-year tradition of “making reindeers fly” are what make Cormac—and his loyal group—thrive.
Martina Rapp
Senior Vice President, Client Relations
If there is a person who was born for client relations, it’s Martina. Wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, art lover, and manager – she has many roles, personal and professional, that give her the invaluable insight and wide-ranging expertise necessary to excel as client liaison to our creative team. She nurtures dreams, while handling the logistics and details necessary to bring them to fruition. Following a project to completion and seeing the joy on the faces of our clients are her rewards. Martina gains inspiration from her Dad, her Knight in Shining Armor, who lived a life full of hard work, love, and loyalty. He taught her anything is possible, the sky’s the limit, which she’s seen again and again with our team. Isn’t that what “making reindeers fly” means?
Don Acker
Director of Creative Services
When it comes to innovation in holiday décor, Don has a track record unparalleled in the industry – a theatrical design degree, 20 plus years experience at The Becker Group, and extensive work in visual merchandising at industry leaders like Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. He transforms dreams into reality for clients from coast to coast – even designing a three-story, walk-through interactive “Santa experience” for a Midwestern mall. Bringing the joy of Santa to children world-wide is the biggest reward of his work year-round. In his leisure time, Don draws inspiration from the beach and enjoys interior design – Mid Century Modern is his style. If anyone has the talent and tenacity to make reindeers fly, it has to be our creative genius, Don.
Linda Scarlett
Vice President of Sales
Linda is rare in sales – a multi-talented pro who is dedicated to design, service, and the bottom line. An arts background, work in fashion and visual merchandising and decades of display and design combine beautifully with her interest in new ideas to give Linda a powerful advantage for projects of all kinds. She routinely exceeds the expectations of clients at wide-ranging venues worldwide. Her most memorable creation was a “people mover” for a new development aiming to revitalize downtown Detroit; her main reward comes from making clients happy. Linda is inspired by parents who taught her anything is possible and accomplishments are key. No wonder Linda is on our team. Like us, she believes in sending reindeers soaring into the sky.
Featured: Sally Kervin
Display Specialist
Sally absolutely loves working with her clients and so many have written or called the Becker team to say the same of working with her. She brings to all a wonderful mixture of design knowledge and exceptional customer service. Graduated from Moravian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic & Advertising Design, she spent the next 16 years creating print and media only to find herself joining her husband in the wonderful world of holiday décor. Her husband John and adorable son Henry inspire her as does helping Becker clients bring new programs to life. Sally’s favorite holiday however is Halloween. She is our scream queen and will thoroughly enjoy helping you turn your venue into a spooky space. Though Sally believes the concept of “making reindeer fly” means The Becker Group brings the magic of the holiday season to our customers, she is ready to help “make a goblin or two fly as well.”